The Struggle Is Real

Jul 20, 2022

You ever been through something and started to question, “God where are you? I am up to my neck, drowning in my problems right now and I don’t know where to turn; I don’t know what to do?”

We’ve all been there, right? Well I’m here to let you know that you are not alone. Whether you’re a Christian who has been following the Lord most of your life or you’ve just stepped into this newfound faith, the truth is: you are either going through a storm, about to go through a storm, or just coming out of one.

And that’s not to discourage you but it’s to let you know that the Christian life is not absent of problems; it’s not absent of struggles; it’s not absent of difficult seasons. But I have some good news for you. And the good news is that God is present every step of the way. The good news is that God is real and He sees you. He knows what you’re going through.

And God will use the hard things to develop and grow us in our faith.

But I also want to remind you that He will never leave you; He will never forsake you. So, while the Christian life doesn’t promise us that we would not have any problems, it does promise us peace; it does promise us God‘s presence.

And so when I read Psalm 69 it reminded me of that truth. Verse one starts off by saying:

God, my God, come and save me! These floods of trouble have risen higher and higher. The water is up to my neck! I’m sinking into the mud with no place to stand, and I’m about to drown in this storm. I’m weary, exhausted with weeping. My throat is dry, my voice is gone, my eyes are swollen with sorrow, and I’m waiting for you, God, to come through for me.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭69:1-3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

What I love about this passage is that, while David is going through such a challenging time, he ends verse three saying, “Lord, I’m waiting on You. I’m waiting on You to come through for me.” Essentially, David is acknowledging the trials he’s facing, but also acknowledging his faith in God. He’s believing God will come through for him and that He is present in his circumstances.

So, maybe you’re going through a tough time right now, maybe you are like David, the water is up to your neck. I wanna remind you that, just as real as your problems are right now, so is God. He is real and He is present in your circumstances. Listen, I know the struggle is real right now, but I wanna encourage you today that you serve a God who is present.

He is the God that will come through for you.

Som Tami

I read this devotional
The Struggle Is Real