The Word

Dec 6, 2022

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God spoke the Word, "Let there be Light," and there was light."

- Moses, Genesis 1:1-3

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… [And] The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."

- St. John, John 1:1, 14

"The exact nature of what was before the beginning is a total mystery except for the fact that, in the center of all that nothingness, God Was There!
- A Pastor

Recently, a fella asked me, "So why exactly do you believe in Jesus?" I said, "Because only Jesus has been able, time and time again, to bring order out of my chaos."

Anybody need some order brought into your chaos today? Theologians may stress the critical importance of Genesis 1 and John 1 in establishing the Doctrine of the Trinity - that is, you can clearly see the relationship of God the Father and God the Spirit and God the Son… as the Word of God… all working together at the beginning of time to create everything and everyone in heaven and on earth. But for me… the critical importance is this: That through Jesus, as the Word of God, God the Father speaks order into my chaos, by the power of His Spirit.

I remember the Christmas my Dad died like it was yesterday.

All of you know that when a loved one dies… I mean… it's just the hardest. But, there are some of you who know that when you experience that loss just before a holiday, boy oh boy, it seems even harder. After Dad's funeral in Iowa, I was taking a late flight back to San Diego. I had to do 6 Christmas Eve services over the next 3 days. I was worn out! Dad died of a sudden heart attack…. So all the last minute planning and preparation and people - and speaking at Dad's service - prevented me from really processing the truth...that my Dad was dead.

Confusing emotions were swirling around in my head and heart - some good, some not so good. My father and I wasted too many years being angry at one another. We tolerated the disconnect. I don't know why. Only in the last 5 years or so did the ice between us begin to melt and we started to connect as father and son… mostly over the grandchildren. As I stared at the darkness outside my plane's window I started thinking about all of that: the regrets, the guilt, the missed opportunities, the things I shoulda said…. I mean, I didn't know if Dad knew I forgave him… or that I really loved him. Anybody know what I'm talking about? My heart literally was aching for a do-over with my Dad.

Suddenly, the darkness outside my window - and in my heart - was lit up by a gazillion Christmas lights that made San Diego look like a cosmic Christmas tree.

It was a shocking intrusion of light into my darkness! It was a Genesis 1 moment as God spoke hope to my heart. It was a John 1 moment as I thought about that first Christmas in a cold dark stable when God spoke light and life to a young mother who cradled the Savior of the world.

I cannot explain it. I just know that God specializes in bringing order out of chaos. He did it at the beginning of time. He did it on Christmas Day. He did it for me that Christmas… and He can do it for you - this Christmas!

If you have more chaos than order in your life or family this year:

Invite God the Father, through Jesus - as the Word of God - to speak light into your confusion… love into your loneliness… life into your emptiness… laughter into your sadness.


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
The Word