Toddlers And Queens

Oct 20, 2022

Last week, my family gathered in Ocean Beach, San Diego, for my older sister’s wedding.

The weekend was filled with lots of wonderful family time, one of the highlights being copious amounts of fun with my 5-year-old and 1-year-old nieces. My oldest brother is the first to have kids out of my immediate family so these two little ladies are absolutely adored. Family gatherings mainly consist of our eyes glued, watching them play, interact, and be silly. I’ve never tried so hard to remember every character of the children’s show “Paw Patrol”… until I had two little nieces. Kids change things, and my nieces are my world.

My youngest niece is named Esther, and as she reaches 20 months of life, it’s fun to see her vibrant personality begin to emerge. She is strong-willed, stubborn, and absolutely adorable. Throughout the weekend, I got to see her big personality firsthand as she refused every outfit her mom tried to put her in, ran around yelling gibberish and wagging her finger at various family members, and threw herself fearlessly face-first into the sand every few steps at the beach.

Esther wasn’t afraid of anything… as long as her parents were close by.

Unbeknownst to me, I had scheduled myself to write about the biblical character of Esther the same week I had such quality time with our family’s precious Esther. Some could call it a coincidence, I call it a God-wink. God knew I would need a first-hand example of the boldness of Esther from the Bible - through my spunky niece.

I love the book of Esther in the Bible. This Persian Queen hid her Jewish descent from the King. She faced a crossroads decision when her cousin, Mordecai, shared with her that the king had promoted a leader who was plotting to destroy the Jews.

Esther could maintain her secret, or, speak up and try to save her people.

Esther knew that going to the king unannounced was a crime punishable by death. Esther had to decide: Would she risk her life to save her people? Or would she allow them to be persecuted while she enjoyed royal life? I can’t imagine the fear that permeated this decision.

Mordecai implored Esther:

“Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
- Esther 4:13-14

Esther confidently responded:

“When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
- Esther 4:16

In the face of fear, Esther had childlike faith. She was like my little niece throwing herself in the sand, standing firm in her beliefs even when it doesn’t make sense. Now, my niece’s beliefs are that clothes are useless… Biblical Esther’s cause was a bit nobler. But the boldness in the face of fear is the same! When these two Esthers could be afraid or hesitant or maybe even turn away from the circumstance in front of them, they charge forward with confidence, ready to stand up for what they believe.

How do they have childlike faith?

How did Esther stand up to the king? How does my niece live with unabashed boldness, even though she’s only been on the earth for a short 20 months? Because her mom is within arm’s reach. Because she knows there is safety nearby. Because she knows there is someone looking out for her that won’t let any real harm come her way.

I think Esther from the Bible knew that, too. I think she was so confident that her God had plans far beyond her imagination, that, even in the face of death, she could feel safe because He would protect her, whether in this life or the next.

I don’t know what plans God has made you for. Whether it’s standing up to a king, or running around in your diaper - God has Esther-sized feats for you to take on. He wants you to be confident even in the face of fear. Do you believe He’s there? Do you believe He’s looking out for you? Do you believe His plans are higher than yours? Then confront the king and stand up with confidence because you know your God is within arm’s reach.

Just like the queen, just like my niece, be bold. Because God’s got you.

Cristina Schmitter

I read this devotional
Toddlers And Queens