Training Wheels

May 20, 2022

Have you ever felt like you were in someone else’s shadow?

Whether it was the shadow of a rockstar sibling or genius co-worker that always seemed to get everything right or that neighbor who just has the perfect yard and seemingly perfect family. You just can’t seem to get out of their shadow no matter what you do or try. You get frustrated, discouraged, and even, if you are honest, angry.

No one likes being in someone else’s shadow. I don’t like it, and I could imagine you don’t like it either. I want to be independent, self-sufficient, and be able to show others I can do it.

However, Psalm 17 actually encourages us to hide in someone else’s shadow. What?!

Psalm 17:8 says:

Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.

This was David’s prayer. For David, this was the secret to flying.

Psalm 17 reminds us: don’t strive to get out of someone else’s shadow. Rather, go hide in the shadow of God’s wings first. Interesting, isn’t it? What we try to get away from, God says, go hide under.

But when we do, here is the amazing thing: Verse 15 says, “When I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.” When we hide in Christ, we will become more like Him! Isn’t this why we wake up every day and smile?

Friends, here is the point: First, receive from Jesus, then you can be like Jesus.

First, know you are loved (keep me as the apple of your eye) and cared for (hide me in the shadow of your wings); then, you can become who He wants you to be. Hide under the shadow of his wings; then, you can fly through your enemies and insecurities.

I remember when I was a kid and riding my first bike. I did not want to use the training wheels. I mean, come on, training wheels were for babies! Not for Sean! I was a grown-up kid! And more importantly, all the other kids weren’t using training wheels, so I did not want to either.

But you all know how the story goes. I kept falling and falling and scraping my knees and elbows. It was to the point I could not fly on my bike. So I gave up my pride and put the training wheels on. And boy, it was fun! I now could fly down the street. I was smiling!

It is our human nature not to rely and depend on God. We don’t want training wheels. But listen, friends, Jesus desires you to fly.

He wants to give you spiritual wings to soar and do great things for God’s glory. So, how are you hiding under his wings today?

“Hide me in the shelter” by Vineyard Music:

Under the shadow of your wings

Here in the secret place of your holiness

I will wait on you, oh Lord, my God, and King

Here in the Holiest of All

You draw me near with love to abandon all

For the sake of knowing you, my God and King

Hide me in the shelter of your love

Deep in the center of your heart, my Lord

How I want to know you more

And keep me in the shadow of your wings

Safe in the secret place of holiness

How I need you more and more

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
Training Wheels