Walk-Up Song

Jul 8, 2023

This past softball season, my daughter’s teammates all picked out “walk up songs.”

You know - a song that baseball players request to have played as they emerge from the dugout and stroll to home plate. It was adorable to see 7 & 8 year old girls taking the short walk from their bench, bat in hand, while a song they chose to represent themselves blared from a mini speaker on the sidelines.

The walk-up song is such an interesting concept when you stop and think about it. I mean, first off, there are SO MANY OPTIONS! You can go dance party with a Taylor Swift tune, take it classic like “Fly Me To The Moon” by Sinatra, or even choose something intimidating like Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” or, “Here Comes the Boom” by Nelly.

And the plethora of options is not the only interesting thing about the walk-up song concept. The fact that people are choosing a song to represent themselves is fascinating. I mean, how do we sum ourselves up in one single song?

Psalm 101 has some great advice when it comes to the walk-up songs for our lives. It starts out saying,

My theme song is God’s love and justice, and I’m singing it right to you, God.

- Psalm 101:1 (The Message)

And while the song choice itself is crucial, the psalmist reminds us here that our goal is not to impress the audience of our lives but rather to direct our attention, undivided, towards the One who matters most - God.

The writer of this chapter then goes on to remind us of the importance of having teammates who are walking to the same music in life by saying,

Men and women on the straight and narrow – these are the ones I want at my side.

- Psalm 101:6 (The Message)

So today friends, as you tune your ear to the divine soundtrack of your own life, be sure to consider the following:

  1. Does your personal anthem represent your love of God from one area of your life to the next?
  2. Do I have the right people in the dugout with me?
  3. And most importantly, am I playing the game of life for an audience of one?

Love you!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional
Walk-Up Song