Watch For God

Jul 8, 2022

Tick tock tick tock.

My brother and I were looking at the watch intensely. Then we would both get on the couch and lean into the window.

"When are they coming?"

"I don't know, but I hope they come soon."

We would peer into the distance, observe and wait.

You see, today was the day my parents would bring home a brand new Nintendo game system. So we were watching for the headlights of my parents' Toyota Corolla with eager anticipation. We didn't even eat dinner, but we were not hungry. We didn't even bother playing outside with our friends, because we were watching.

It's amazing how focused we were. I wish I had studied like this in college!

Psalm 59 is about how David kept watching for God. Verse 9 says,

I will keep watch for you, my strength, because God is my stronghold.

- Psalm 59:9

The context of this psalm was when Saul sent men to watch the house of David to kill him. So David gained a spiritual lesson from this. We can keep watch of others, or we can keep watch for God. As David was sitting in his house being intensely watched and observed, he realized this is how he ought to watch for God. I don't know about you, but isn't it cool how David leans into what God is teaching him, even when someone is out to kill him? I just love that and want to do the same.

Let me ask you: Do you keep watch for God?

In our culture, there are many things we watch intensely for—stock prices, the weather, NBA playoffs, or whatever will give me the greatest happiness. There are things in your life you watch and lean into. The Bible says we watch for certain things because it feeds our hearts. It gives us what we want.

The question is, do you keep watch for God?

Do you wake up and watch for God? Or do you watch your phone to check email and social media?

Do you go to work and watch for God? Or do you watch for other types of jobs or ways to find fulfillment?

Do you go to church and watch for God? Or do you watch for entertaining stories or social hangouts?

This challenges me because I need to watch for Jesus more intimately these days. The busier life gets, the more I need to look to Jesus. Psalm 59:9 reminds me that I must keep watching for Jesus because He is my strength and stronghold. He is the only one who shows me steadfast love.

Let's pray.

Father God, may we watch for you today. To yearn for you. To anticipate your presence at work, in our homes, and even at church. We want you, Jesus. We love you, Jesus. Amen.

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
Watch For God