What Is A Daily Devotional?
What is a Daily Devotional? And why do we need to do them?
For many years in my Christian journey, I did them because it was “good” to do. It was a Christian duty. It was what my small group leaders would ask me, “Sean, did you do your devotionals this week?” I always wanted to answer, “Yes, and it was such a blessing.”
However, on the days and weeks I did not do them, I felt like I was less than. I felt like I was a bad Christian. I felt like bad things were going to happen to me. Have you ever felt that?
So, what is it, and why do we need to do it?
In short, that daily devotional time is not about what you can do, but more about what God can do. As you set apart that time, however long it is, you are surrendering your mind and heart for God to speak, change, work, fix, and rescue you.
I am a doer by nature. I like to wake up early and get to work. I like getting things done. And the past few weeks, my devotional time sometimes became another task I knew was good to do and that I needed to finish. Not that anyone was checking up on me, but it was my internal standard I needed to meet.
Therefore, a few days ago, I did a self check-in, and God helped me realize I need to change.
So, instead of trying to do something, I decided to spend the next 40 days in 28 minutes of listening to and reading the Bible. I’m using an app to keep me accountable and ensure I create space for God to work.
I got this insight from Romans 10:17,
“Faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”
- Romans 10-17
This verse says when we hear and read God’s Word, that is when our faith in Him grows and deepens. Sometimes, you may not “feel” the devotional externally or emotionally, but God says our faith grows. Our faith gets fed.
So, for the next 40 days, I am committing to 28 minutes of uninterrupted listening and reading the Bible.
I want to create space for God to move in me. How about you?
How is your devotional time these days? Are you just doing devotionals, or are you allowing God to move in you? It is definitely a fine line but your motive matters.
I encourage you to do a self-check today. By God’s grace, make changes. Get accountability. But know this: Faith comes from hearing God’s Word.
Pastor Sean