What Really Matters

Nov 20, 2021

“We have forgotten that the Gospel Message does not clean up and shine the outside of a person. Rather it bores into the very heart and soul of a person and radically changes that person from the inside forever.”

- AW Tozer

In 1997, Ken and I helped lead a mission trip to Cuba. It took place during the presidency of Fidel Castro and his Communist reign. We flew from Tijuana and went under the premise of a Humanitarian trip called “Love and Mercy Fun Tours,” bringing medical supplies to health care workers.

As we packed for the trip, we had to make sure the stacks of Bibles were well hidden to avoid confiscation when landing in Cuba. When we arrived, our guide told us we’d be visiting underground home churches and public schools to distribute them. One thing he made very clear was to never, under any circumstance, allow a police or military officer to see a Bible. There would be a good chance we would land in a Cuban prison.

On the first day of our trip visiting homes and talking with people along the streets, I felt like the world had stopped for Cubans in 1959 when Castro became President. Old cars lined the streets and black and white televisions graced almost every home. (The channel selection was Castro, Castro or Castro!) I felt the oppression of communism and poverty.

About the third day in, we were sitting at a table (on a dirt floor) in a home sharing a meal and the lights went out. Our hosts laughed and chanted “apagoan” which meant “lights out.” Each night, in some parts of the country, the lights would go out, a symbol of Castro's power to control their lives. They lit candles and continued the conversation, not thinking anything of the inconvenience! While I was unnerved by this show of power, they took it all in stride.

I realized on the trip that the people of Cuba didn’t know they were trapped in a time warp, oppressed by a dictator. They hadn’t experienced the full refrigerator, brand new car filled with gas, and unlimited entertainment. They had a deep abiding joy because they knew Jesus, and that was all they needed. What brought tears to their eyes and overwhelming gratitude was each time I’d pull out a Bible from my backpack and present it to them.

They craved God’s Word! That was the only thing they wanted!

This so impacted me that when we were visiting an elementary school and the police arrived, I felt a nudge to give one of them a Bible (the thing that under ANY circumstance, you weren’t supposed to do). I’m disappointed to say he wouldn’t take it and our translator had to spend the next 20 minutes convincing him not to arrest this crazy American! I wonder if I’d still take that risk today. Do I love the Scriptures enough to treasure my Bible the way the Cubans did?

They knew:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

- Psalms 119:105

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

- 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

- Hebrews 4:12

As you reflect this weekend on what you’re grateful for, take some time to sit with your Bible. Has the Word of God gotten IN you? Have you been radically changed?

Thank God for the gift you’ve been given of knowing Him through His Word!

Pastor Pam

I read this devotional
What Really Matters