What’s It Worth?
We all place value and worth in something.
Some more than others, but it could be: education, career, hobbies, finances, relationships, etc. Whatever it is that we choose to invest or develop in, it is because there is a core belief that it will bring significance to our lives.
We take the time to employ our minds, bodies and spirits in effort to increase and display the value and worth in certain areas of our lives. Ultimately, we are utilizing our entire being towards what we find worth in. Additionally, if we believe that God is the Creator of all things, then we believe that He is the Creator of our entire being; therefore, it is God that has given us the freedom and ability to engage in whatever we choose. Freedom to express ourselves and respond to what we value.
The Bible says in Romans 12:1,
“Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy pleasing to God, this your true and proper worship.”
- Romans 12:1
Overall, worship is a response to God by word and deed. When we talk about the word worship, we are pulling from an Old-English word “woerthship” - the ascribing of highest worth.
Worth-ship: What is God worth to you?
Pastor Tim Keller explains so eloquently that whatever you value or love the most - whatever is your greatest source of significance and security - you are worshiping in your heart.
A good indicator of what you are worshiping is how you respond when it is threatened or it is no longer present. I know for me that when my way of doing things is no longer an option, I become negatively triggered. This is a clear indicator that maybe I’ve worshiped my opinion and intellect. This also is contrary to what the Bible tells us in Proverbs to not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). My opinions and God-given intellect would have more worth when it is surrendered to Him.
When I can humble myself to this mindset, I remember that God has already brought me through so much when He didn’t have to. God is worth me responding in surrender and a willingness to live the way He calls.
Worth-ship: What is God worth to you?
This simple question can help navigate so many tricky areas of life and can reveal if you value yourself above God. What we truly value in some way defines us and we must be mindful of how that is lived out.
As you go about your day, I want to encourage you to take your thoughts and actions captive. Ask more frequently: “Does how I respond to my situation please God?” Believe it or not, it does please God when we surrender and express our thoughts and actions to Him. We have to take the step of faith and allow God in the hard places of life. It can be uncomfortable, but all things that have worth require a sacrifice.
But when you let go, God will reveal Himself in a fresh way that will always guide and restore.
Jacob Cruz