Who Am I?

Mar 4, 2021

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

- Galatians 3:26

I work with middle schoolers. My life is filled with dodgeball, deep discussions of video games (that frankly I know nothing about... I just smile and nod), and lots and LOTS of pizza. I spend most of my time trying to get into the heads of middle schoolers and wrap my brain around what they’re thinking, feeling, and needing.

I’ve learned that middle schoolers are in a developmental stage where they are seeking identity. As they grow in self-awareness, they’re frequently asking the question, “Who am I?” This discovery stage is key as they navigate different social groups, hobbies, and stages of puberty. They’re desperately trying to figure out where they fit in and what identity suits them best.

Think back to your life when you were thirteen. Do you remember having any identity struggles? Being rejected by friends? Latching onto a certain style or trend just to feel accepted? Wearing tons of bright blue eyeshadow (maybe that one was just me...)?

In our middle school program at the Church at RB, our hope is to direct our confused students to the most important and foundational identity: “I am a child of God.” If we can instill this in their hearts and minds during their process of figuring out who they are, they can find the one identity that will bring them true satisfaction and peace.

I share this with you because maybe some of us still have days where our brain works a bit like a middle schooler. That might be embarrassing to admit, but have you ever had a moment where, at 22, 45, 67, you asked the thirteen year old question of “who am I?”

Maybe it was after a big change - job loss, divorce, or a death in the family - that made you feel like you had lost everything, even your own identity. Maybe it was a result of spiritual questions and doubts that left you wondering if you could trust God at all. Or maybe it is a consistent question that creeps in at the end of the day, as you lay in bed and wonder, “what’s the point of all this?”

First, dear friend, it’s okay if you’re asking those questions. We spend a lot of time in church trying to pretend like we have it all together. Let’s just acknowledge together that we all have days where we feel like a bunch of middle schoolers: awkward, alone, and struggling with some big identity questions.

Second, I’m going to answer your question in a way you may have heard before: you are His. Maybe you’ve never thought of yourself as a Child of God, or maybe you’ve claimed that title for years. But so often our hearts forget that, and I firmly believe we need to preach these truths to ourselves every morning: I am a Child of God (Galatians 3:26). The God of the Universe created me in his image, beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). He sent His Son to die on a cross for me and offer eternal life through the forgiveness of my sins (John 3:16). I am what Christ has done for me (Romans 8:37).

I thought I had grown up enough to be past the middle school phase. But ten years later and I still ask the question “who am I?” And I still seek answers in the wrong places: money, relationships, affirmation from others, etc. If that’s true for you too today, may you read those words above over and over. And know that you are His.

For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.

- Romans 14:8

I challenge you this week to preach these truths to yourself each morning, even just for five minutes.

I wonder how your life might change, as you embrace your true identity.

Cristina Schmitter

I read this devotional
Who Am I?