Who Do You Love More?

Feb 9, 2023

Have you ever asked a parent, or were asked, as a parent: Which of your children do you love more?

Or have you ever been asked: Do you love your dad or mom more?

What would your answer be? I’ll tell you mine… yeah right, I won’t fall for that trick… again.

The civil and smart answer would be: I love them both! I love them equally Of course, we love our parents or children in different ways that are unique to who they are, but the heart is that we love them the same.

But as human beings, don't we tend to favor one person over another? Don't we favor those that compliment us and speak well of us? And we don't favor those that cut us off or disrespect us?

In our brokenness, we are biased. Because of the Fall, we can't help but treat people differently.

The definition of impartiality is treating all fairly and justly. Meaning, there is no bias.

And isn't it incredible that one of the attributes of God is that He is impartial? It's really mind-blowing to me!

For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe. Deuteronomy 10:17

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him, Romans 10:12

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17

When Jesus sees us, He is perfectly impartial, and He is perfectly fair and just. It is to the point that here on this earth, we may disagree with how God does things, but every single one of us, when we are in Heaven, we will all confess and proclaim… "Wow! God IS impartial, and He was perfectly fair!"

What would it look like, friends, to believe this today?

That God is impartial and perfectly loving in the past circumstances we went through, in the betrayal we faced, in the health concerns, and in how messy life became.

As I think about this attribute of God, I can't help but be deeply thankful. I can't help but remember how lost and confused I was in my sin and selfishness, how I betrayed God so many times, and how I disobeyed Him. YET, it is so amazing that because God is impartial, He loved me through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, as if I have never sinned. My sins did not cause God to be biased toward me. Rather, He gave His one and only Son FOR me!

This, my friends, is where I often go so that I am constantly in awe of who God is. And also why I strive to be impartial in how I see and treat others.

Let's pray.

God, I thank you for being unbiased toward me. That while I was a sinner, you chose to love me unconditionally. I pray for those listening to this: may we be in awe of this attribute of God. May we grow to show the love of Jesus to others by striving to treat those around us with fairness and love. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen!

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
Who Do You Love More?