Who Is Sharpening You?

Apr 18, 2023

I have a question for you to consider: Who is sharpening you?

When our son, Steve, was four years old, Ken used gel to spike his hair on top. Come on, those of you who were around in the late 80s/early 90s know what I’m talking about! That was “the” style. Steve would beg me to do his hair “sharp” AND then make all of us touch his hair. We’d touch it and say, “Ouch, that’s sharp!” He was so proud of the sharpness of his hair!

The Bible talks about sharpening in a much different way. Proverbs 27:17 says:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

- Proverbs 27:17

How often have you heard that verse and thought to yourself, “Yes, we need each other” without really meditating on what it truly means?

Let’s dig deeper! The idea of “iron sharpening iron” implies there are at least two pieces of iron. Because iron is sharpened through heat and friction, it would be impossible for one tool to become sharper without the presence of the other. As it rubs against another, the piece of iron is reshaped into something beautiful and better than before.

So, first of all, this Proverb illustrates how important it is to be in a community of believers. We need one another to be sharpened.

Secondly, sharpening has a purpose, but it also can be painful. It’s the friction that results in a purer, sharper, refined character. A stronger, more loving person. A truer reflection of Jesus.

Through allowing someone to speak into our lives, we are shaped and changed for the better.

I desire to be my best “me”! Do you? It doesn’t happen without sharpening. Who in your life is the person that has your back and yet holds you accountable? Who helps you develop and grow? An iron sharpening friend is a gift from God.

I’ve consistently had more than one person in my life, and Ken and I at least one couple in our marriage, for the last forty-four years. There are a few things that are vital for choosing the person who will sharpen you.

First, they need to be a growing follower of Christ. In other words, there needs to be evidence that their spiritual walk is strong. Secondly, they cannot agree with you when your words and actions aren’t aligned with God’s truth. They need to be willing to disagree with you and challenge you!

Jesus established the church partly for this purpose. Pastor and author Andy Stanley says, “The primary activity of the church was one-anothering one another.” As a matter of fact, “one-anothers” are mentioned 59 times in the New Testament, twelve of those times being to “love” one another. We are also to encourage, admonish, forgive, be devoted to, accept, instruct, serve, be kind to, bear with, teach, live in harmony with and be patient with. You know, those qualities remind me a lot of what a healthy family looks like.

If you haven’t found someone who can sharpen you, this best place to begin is within the context of a Table Group.

You have to be willing to take a risk, to be vulnerable and to open yourself up and allow others to hear the broken parts of your life. I have seen through the years groups that have gone from Young Married, to Married with Kids, to Empty Nesters. They’ve walked together through some of the darkest times in their lives.

For some, it has only been because of the sharpening of others that they have grown and deepened their faith.

If you’re just not sure how to begin, let me know! I’d love to help you take the next step to be the person God has designed you to be!

Pastor Pam

I read this devotional
Who Is Sharpening You?