Word Is Bond

Apr 20, 2022

If I’m being honest, 2020 was one of the hardest years of my life.

I was states away from my family and friends, I was heartbroken from a failed relationship, and I was discouraged because what God promised me for my life seemed like lightyears away. Add in COVID, and my life seemed to be trial after trial. Have you ever been there?

Maybe you’re in that season right now. But let me encourage you that, just as the Earth changes from season to season, God never changes. Your trials are just temporary.

I can share from personal experience that what sustained me in my difficult season was trust. I trusted that God is who He says He is. I trusted that God loved me and would never leave me. I trusted that God was not a man that He should lie, but that He was a Man of His Word and His promises would come to fruition.

One of the verses I held onto in particular was Joshua 1:9:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

I knew that what I was experiencing in the natural was just temporary. I made the decision to trust that God would come through for me like He always does. You see, family, when we are facing hardships we have a choice: to view our circumstance as a betrayal from God or to believe that God is working and moving in the supernatural on our behalf. And what I mean by that is the natural is what we can see. It’s what we can touch, feel, experience and is limited to our own understanding. But God is limitless and operates in the supernatural often outside of the human experience and our comprehension.

This is why the Bible says, “His ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). So, I want to encourage you to, whether you are in a trial, coming out of a trial, or about to go into one, trust that God is who He says He is. His Word is bond. May you know that the God of the Bible is real and true and holy and sovereign! May you know that He has not left you and never will. May you know that He has a plan and your best interest at heart.

I pray that you will not be weighed down by what you can see and that you trust God is moving supernaturally on your behalf. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Som Tami

I read this devotional
Word Is Bond