
Feb 23, 2023

There are a plethora of funny quotes and memes regarding the game Wordle, such as…

  • Eat, sleep, Wordle, repeat.
  • Life happens, Wordle helps.
  • When your mood depends on whether you solved the Wordle puzzle that day.
  • If loving Wordle is a crime, we are all in trouble.
  • A day without Wordle is like…just kidding, I have no idea.

And even some that are not quite so funny…

  • The joys of Wordle can be bittersweet when you remember, well, everything else going on in the world.

Okay, I admit it, I am a bit of a Wordle fanatic. As of this writing, I have played it 305 times, have a 98% success rate, and a current streak of 87 wins in a row. My success rate would be even higher, except that I gave it up for Lent last year, which may be one of the most difficult fasts I have ever done. Fortunately, it only counted the first day of not doing it as unsuccessful, then started fresh when I began playing again after Easter.

Honestly, I don’t know if I can give it up again this year.

Okay, for you Wordle nerds out there, my guess distribution is easily led by 4 attempts, followed by 3 attempts, then 5. I have only gotten it in “1” once, but then again, I use the same starting word every time (no, I am not telling you what it is - Ha!).

If you are not playing Wordle, or don’t even know what it is… good for you! Maybe it is better that you keep it that way. Yes, Wordle is fun, but the last quote does put things in perspective:

The joys of Wordle can be bittersweet when you remember, well, everything else going on in the world.

The Bible is filled with verses about keeping things in perspective.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:33,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness….”

- Matthew 6:33

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:2,

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

- Romans 12:2

And again in Colossians 3:2, Paul writes,

Set your minds on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.

- Colossians 3:2

No, I am not denouncing Wordle as evil, but I, and you, must be careful that we do not get caught up and controlled by the things of this world, whatever they may be. We have a much more important agenda, that of advancing God’s Kingdom here on earth, or as we often put it, “Bringing a little of up there down here.”

While we enjoy the things God has given to us in this world, may we keep things in perspective, never allowing earthly pleasures to get in the way of our Kingdom purpose.

I guess this means I can still enjoy playing Wordle, but maybe I do need to give it up for Lent once again, just to show where it fits in the priorities of my life.

With Lent beginning yesterday (but it is not too late to start), I encourage you to consider what you might give up (fast or abstain from) as a means of preparing your heart for Holy Week (the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Jesus) and helping you keep things in perspective.

Oh, and just so you know… I gave up Wordle. There went that streak. All for Jesus!

Hey church, as we begin Lent and work our way toward Holy Week, beginning tomorrow we are going to write and record our devotionals based on the life of Jesus according to Luke’s Gospel account, from the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness to Christ’s death and Resurrection. We invite you to join us on the journey.

Pastor Ken

I read this devotional