You’ve Got A Friend In Me

"The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself."
- The prophet Samuel, 1 Samuel 18:1
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will ride the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
- Oprah
The first song that my son, Tyler, taught his 20 month old son, Fisher, was not… "Jesus loves me" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children" or even "I've Got a Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart"... No! The first song my son taught my grandson was from the great "Christian" classic, Toy Story:
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old [dad] said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me
Tyler understands that friendship plays the music, pours the coffee, and opens up the windows on the bus ride through life. Sure, you could live without it but… why should you? Listen… "The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself." Wow… we all need a friend like that! God gives us at least three growth-agents to get us through our 3 score and 10 in this world – His Word, His Spirit, His Body.
But when life presses in on us the hardest… isn't it His Body – "God with skin on" -- the touch of a true friend – that is most effective in picking us up, dusting us off, chasing away the darkness and setting us back on course?
As we step into Father's Day, I wanted to speak, especially to all the guys, about one thing I've learned in my 67 years under the sun – that men who make it to old age with a beat up old suitcase stuffed with memories of moments shared with a good friend or two are the fortunate ones… and they know it! A twilight that's stored with moments of shared laughter, divided burdens and two-handled dreams keep loneliness at bay. Catch an old man at the right moment and ask him what he remembers about a life gone by… what will he tell you?
"He'll tell you of someone who stepped into his life in an hour of deep trial and pain. He'll tell you about the time the moving van rolled up to the door, and only one man with a bad back and a wide, familiar grin showed up to help. And then he'll tell you about that man – his friend. He'll tell you about the day his dad had a heart attack, and a friend at work wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said, 'You get outa here. Jump in your car and go. I'll write your reports.' He'll tell you about not finding work and being too ashamed to ask for help, and the friend who came along and said, 'Here's a stake to see you through. Pay me back when you get your feet back under you.' In his more candid moments, he might tell you about the time he really messed up… made a huge mistake… a failure so big he didn't think anyone could or would forgive him… let alone love him again… and then the one friend who did both."
- Stuart Weber, Tender-Hearted Warrior
I'll never forget taking off with six guys on our Harleys up through Northern California. It was gonna be an epic five day road trip. At the end of the first day, while I was sitting in a big adirondack chair with my feet in the waters of Big Sur, I got a call that a young husband in church had suddenly and tragically died… I knew the family well. I looked at the five guys… who were sipping tall cool ones… and told them that I was going to have to cut my trip short and head back first thing next morning to help care for this grieving family. All the guys said they understood, that they would continue on.. .except one… and Barry looked at me and said, "Listen, you are not riding home alone on an 8 hour trip on your bike through LA traffic with a heavy heart and a mind that's preoccupied with caring for this family you love. I'll be your wingman!"
And so… cutting his epic adventure short, he shadowed me through the cold misty dawn of Big Sur… then through the intense 100 degree heat of San Luis Obispo… then through the frustrating snail’s pace of Los Angeles rush hour… until he deposited me safe and sound on my front doorstep. Because he is my wingman… for life!
In John 15, Jesus called His disciples friends. He said a friend would lay down his life for his friends. In truth, Jesus had three near and dear friends: Peter, James and John. They were with Jesus at the Mt. of Transfiguration, in the Garden of Gethsemane, and at the Resurrection. Jesus needed a friend, and so do we!
My hope is that this Father's Day… you will make the decision to step into and experience the unusual and powerful dynamic that takes place when two or three guys can lock arms and declare… like Woody and Buzz… "You Got a Friend in Me!" Happy Father's Day!
Pastor Harry