Today, we are going to look at Psalm 100, a simple yet very profound area of scripture that can really influence your rhythms of life.
Over the past few years, I’m sure life in one way or another changed for many, and it was most likely not our choice. There’s a long list of things that we probably wish we had control over, and I’m sure many of them are valid. However, one thing is in our control… how we respond.
We all have the choice to realign with God in the midst of wherever our lives may be.
I want to give encouragement that there is so much to be thankful for, even for the difficult things we can’t control, because God’s goodness will never change. If you forget that He is good, you will be blinded by the temporary difficulty you are facing, while God may be reminding you to turn towards Him in the midst of pain.
If you are listening to this devotion today, you are blessed – blessed to be able to have the technology to tune in, alive with a sound mind to listen. Every person on this earth was created by God. He is the One who created all things and no one really belongs to themselves, or is truly in control. He has made you and wants to help you fulfill all the purposes He has for your life. It’s nothing you did to earn; it’s just an outpouring of His love. That is deserving of expressing your worship to Him. You will experience His goodness in doing so.
I want to encourage you to take the time today and express your gratefulness for all He has done and how good He has been, even if you don’t feel like it. He will always meet you where you are, to help guide you – again that being another reason to enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise.
Jacob Cruz