Take The Steps & Go First!

Aug 12, 2023

Just about a month ago, we completed VBS 2023 with over 220 kids in attendance.

For four glorious days, our church was filled with an excitement and energy that truly only kids can exude.

From the moment they entered the atrium until the last kiddo left, you just felt the spirit of joy. Their unbridled enthusiasm to compete for the loudest team can be matched by no other. They listened to life changing stories from the Bible, played their hearts out at games, and worshiped with a reckless abandon not often seen.

Our focus this year was to teach these kids that they have the ability to “go first” (catchy phrase) in their own lives. Whether it be to pray daily, make good choices, help others, or most importantly, love like Jesus, individually in their own way, they could choose to "go first" and lead the way.

You know, when you put it like that, it seems pretty easy to do -- do these things daily, go first, and lead the way. I have prayed the prayer, confessed, and received Jesus. I know I desire transformation.

Gratefully, the old is gone and I am made new, which should in theory lead to a changed me.

He Is Your Life

So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.

- Colossians 3:1-2 (MSG)

I personally love The Message version of scripture as it can really cut to the chase, so here it is:

Jesus is your life -- look up and live life through him.

Another profound way of saying: Surrender yourself to receive Jesus who sacrificed everything for you.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

- Romans 5:8

Isn’t this the ultimate act of going first? This unfathomable and unselfish action continually challenges my heart -- the ability for Jesus to be so selfless and think only of others before himself.

Whether it be through his frequent need to find space to pray, continually comforting those around him who were sad, healing the hurting, forgiving those who have sinned, or being able to tolerate those who persecuted him…

Jesus’ example was perfection.

Let’s be clear: We are not capable of perfection like this, nor does Jesus expect us to be.  But… as you develop a stronger bond through prayer and nurture your relationship with Jesus, THAT will allow for a transformational way of life to occur.

You don't have to go any further than scripture to see amazing examples of people who lived a transformed and “go first” way of life.  

  • Daniel prayed despite threats of death.
  • Ruth chose loyalty instead of her own happiness.
  • Esther chose hope for people over her own safety,
  • Jesus chose love despite persecution.

If I added my name to that above list of people, what would it say? If you added your name what would it say?

This year at VBS, over 50 people added their name to this list by sacrificing time from their jobs, busy schedules, and vacations to help lead this next generation.

During VBS, these amazing leaders and kids got it! As they heard these life changing stories, the challenge to pray daily, make good choices, help others, and to love like Jesus, resonated and without hesitation they said, YES!

Not yes to perfection – we will leave that perfect example to Jesus – but, yes! to taking those steps everyday.

A changed heart and daily steps available to each of us….

It begins with relationship with Jesus, open to the transformation that relationship brings. Committed to leading a go first life everyday.

Pastor Heidi

I read this devotional
Take The Steps & Go First!