Expect And Attempt

Apr 29, 2022

William Carey Is called the father of modern missions.

But, when he was younger, he shared about his missionary aspirations to an older pastor. The older pastor replied:

"Young man, sit down! You are an enthusiast. When God pleases to convert the unbelievers, he'll do it without consulting you or me."

But William Carey had Isaiah 54 in his heart. Therefore, he expected and attempted big things for God. This led him to spend forty-one years in India translating the Bible into India's major languages.

Isaiah 54:2-4 says:

2 "Enlarge the place of your tent,

   stretch your tent curtains wide,

   do not hold back;

lengthen your cords,

   strengthen your stakes.

3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left;

   your descendants will dispossess nations

   and settle in their desolate cities.

4 "Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.

   Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.

This is saying how the family tent of God's people must be enlarged to make room for more to enter. It is by expecting and attempting great things for God, by evangelizing and discipling more souls into the kingdom of God. I love what verse 2 says: "Do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes."

Even though Easter is over and the baptism service was last week, the invitation is to not hold back. Do not hold back your materials, money, energy, or time, but give everything to share about Jesus.

Friends, are you expecting great things from God? Will you attempt great things for God?

Of course, this does not mean we all need to evangelize thousands of people and bring major revival. But it does mean, in our daily callings to our family, work, and church, are you expecting great things and attempting great things for the glory of God? This could mean a prayerful hello to that neighbor or a spirit-filled small talk with your coworker. The point is, it is about believing our small acts of faithfulness of reaching out to others will have eternal kingdom growing potential.

The next baptism Sunday will be in August. Pray big, dream wide, and start with one person at a time. Let's see what God will do together! Amen!

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
Expect And Attempt