This week we are featuring guest devotionals written by members of our congregation. Today, Aushiree Boynes:
The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The commandments of the Lord are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear,
giving insight for living.
Reverence for the Lord is pure,
lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
each one is fair.
- Psalm 19:7-9
As Christians, we relate to others similar to us: like-minded Christians and situations that are familiar. We seek community with those that look like us, raise their kids like us, sound like us and make connecting easier for us. The flesh bonds with the familiar and naturally turns away from what is different.
Do you ever stop to do a reality check on if you’re appreciating all of God’s creation, and how much it matters to Him to love and have community with those not alike?
“A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
- Matthew 22:39 NLT
We learn from our surroundings, our upbringing, and usually, what we learn we consider normal. We are then influenced by our experiences and familiar social groups. Being deep rooted in our norms can hinder us from accepting everything God has created and extending ourselves to learn from His masterpieces. His commands are perfect, and when followed, they create the peace we seek. Love your neighbors. Not just those you get along with... love strangers. Jesus cared for all types of people. He is the light to every race, age, gender and sin. He dares us to take active responsibility in being His hands and feet through serving, loving, and mingling with different people.
Put aside your personal comforts and get to know your strange neighbors. Appreciate, respect, protect and love them beyond the superficial.
Read Luke 7:36-50 about Jesus’ interaction with the sinful woman. Let us not forget the entire story of Moses, David, and even Paul. God loved them and chose them to be His hands and feet. What a shame for the people who might have kept their distance from Moses because his speech was different.
We tend to see ourselves as right and normal. If we see ourselves in the Disney version of Moses, we lose memory of the humble beginnings. Let us remember that our neighbors might be more alike, despite their differences. Let us be like Aaron, who helped Moses speak, or Stephen, who was active in the poor community.
Let us look at different people and consider them to be normal as a part of God’s creation.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for providing me with a community of like-minded Christ followers. Thank You for surrounding me with goodness that I can thrive in. Please also plant me near a neighbor that doesn’t align with my norm. Provide opportunities for learning and accepting. Remove the underlying judgment I may have towards a whole group of people based on individual experiences or worldviews. Humble me Lord, take any splinters out of my eyes. Make me mindful of how I perceive others. I turn to You to show me how to give agape love to strangers. Amen.