
"This is the Day the LORD has made [just for me]. I will rejoice and be glad in it."
- King David, Psalm 118:24
"The more often we see the things around us -- even the beautiful and wonderful things -- the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds -- even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less."
- Joseph Wirthlin
Few things upset me more than people who take God's gifts for granted. Which is why… I'm upset with myself so often. One of the most guilt-producing stories in the Bible -- aren't you glad you tuned in today -- is the sad tale of Gehazi. Anybody remember him? In 2 Kings 4, Gehazi, a personal assistant to the great prophet Elisha, personally witnesses one of the greatest miracles in the Old Testament. Elisha breathes resurrection life into a child who died. Phenomenal! And Gehazi sees it with his own eyes. Then, one chapter later, in 2 Kings 5, Gehazi again has a front row seat as the prophet heals the great military leader, Namaan, of leprosy. When Namaan tries to express his gratitude by paying Elisha a huge sum of money, Elisha refuses. But Gehazi, seeing not the miracle but an opportunity to get rich quick, chases after Namaan and says...
"My master has sent me to tell you that two young prophets from the hill country of Ephraim have just arrived. He would like 75 pounds of silver and two sets of clothing to give to them… Then he went and hid the gifts inside the house."
- 2 Kings 5:22,24 NLT
Seventy-five pounds of silver… at $30/ounce… is a tidy sum of money. But far less than the price of betrayal. For his crime, Elisha sentences him to a life of leprosy. What happened? The miracles of Elisha became so commonplace for Gehazi that the sacred became familiar and he resorted to exploiting what was holy for his own ends. Ow!
What a tragedy… and an awful way to do life… when we lose sight of the sacred and take the miraculous for granted.
Eight weeks ago, I did a wedding for a young man who grew up in the church. It was in the wine country of Temecula. Standing directly next to Connor as the bride walked down the aisle, I could see his eyes fill with tears as he muttered, "Wow, I can't believe she said, 'Yes!' Wow, I can't believe she loves me! Wow, I can't believe she wants to spend her life with me!" I looked at the stunning radiance of this young bride, and said to Connor, "Wow Connor, you're right… she is way outta your league!" Ha! Marriage always starts with a Wow! But the minute that young husband begins to take his young bride for granted that Wow becomes an Ow!
When the Miracle becomes so routine that it doesn't move us anymore… that's when the Miracle becomes a Monument. A Monument is made of wood or stone or concrete… it's dead! But it symbolizes something that was once very much alive!
...Remember when you bought that house and said, "Wow! What a Miracle!" ...but now it's boring.
...Remember when your baby was born, and you whispered, "Wow! What a Miracle!" ...but now they're a pain in the neck.
...Remember when you got that job, and you exclaimed, "Wow! What a Miracle!" ...but now it's a pain in your blessed assurance.
...Remember when your cancer went away, and you told everyone, "Wow, what a Miracle! ...but now you mostly complain about life.
...Remember when that special person came into your life, and you shouted, "Wow, what a Miracle!" ...but now they're ho hum.
...Remember when you first believed Jesus died on that cross to forgive you, and you said, "Wow, what a Miracle!" ...but now it's old news.
When Candace danced into my life 47 years ago, I knew she was a gift from God. I didn't care what we did as long as I could be with her. I remember the day she wanted to go look at model homes… I was like, "Really? Model homes?" It was the last thing I wanted to do, but the first thing I wanted to do was be with her, so I said, "Absolutely! Let's look at model homes!" Truth is, I didn't care if we looked at curtains, at bedsheets or at cosmetics… as long as I was with her! So, last week Candace asks me, "Hey would you go to Costco with me?" "Really?!” I said, "Costco? Honey, the Padres are playing the Dodgers!" Since when did a ballgame become more exciting than being with Candace? Ahhh… since the Padres started WINNING! Duh! Ok... I'm kidding… but you see my point!
Don't let what was once a miracle become commonplace… become routine… become mundane. Ask God's Spirit to give you new eyes! You can change the environment. You are not a thermometer… you are a thermostat! Remind someone today of what you believed about them yesterday… that they are a Miracle from God for you!
Be thermostatic, and determine the atmosphere of your world by reclaiming the miraculous and experiencing the WOW!
Pastor Harry