This Is Not An Abandoned World!
“When Jesus woke up, He rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Peace! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped and there was a great calm.”
- Mark 4:39
“My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world with God.”
- Billy Graham
Several years ago, I woke up one morning to find an old junked car parked outside of our home. This was the ugliest car I had ever seen!…Even its dents were dented! It had a window that was busted out and duct-taped, one door was wired shut, rust and oxidation had eaten away most of its paint, the interior was totally thrashed and two tires were flat. But the most interesting thing about this car was a note on the windshield that said, “This is not an abandoned car!”
Sometimes I think we need that note running beneath the 5:00 news program or on the masthead of the morning paper, “This is not an abandoned world!” Because sometimes it seems that way, doesn’t it? Almost everywhere we turn these days we can see heartache and heartbreak in our friends, our neighbors, our families and even in our own hearts. How often in the effort to keep on keeping on do we find ourselves wondering, “Am I all alone here? Is anyone up there?”
Recently, I asked a friend, “How’re you doing?” He said, “OK…under the circumstances.” “What are you doing under them?” I asked. “Circumstances are like a mattress…if you’re under them you suffocate…if you’re on top of them…you rest easy!”
So how do we get on top of our circumstances? Peace is stepping into the Pressures of life with the Presence of Jesus, the one who speaks to your storm, “Peace! Be still!"
A long time ago, in a manger, a baby was born. He was a sign to us….and the sign reads: “This Is not an abandoned world! And you are no orphan!” Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Trinity, left Heaven to come down into your neighborhood to adopt you as a Son and as a Daughter of the Most High God through His death on a cross and His resurrection from the dead!
No matter what you’re going through…you are not abandoned by God!
Pastor Harry