
May 10, 2023

"Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you with every Blessing."

    - King David, Psalm 37:34 (TLB)

"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good ole days before you've actually left them."
- Andy Bernard, "The Office"

Did you hear the news? I could not believe my ears… McDonald’s is changing their Cheeseburger!

What?! Since 1955 the Belle of the Ball at the Golden Arches all across America has been "The Cheeseburger!" If you've tasted one… you've tasted them all -- billions upon billions of cheeseburgers have been sold and each one tasted exactly like the one before it… and exactly like the one after it!

When Candace heard the news she got upset:

"Look," she said, "When I buy a cheeseburger at McDonald’s today I want it to taste exactly like the one I bought at McDonalds when I was 9 years old for 10 cents. I can't stand the fact that they would mess with that!"

"C'mon, Honey!" I replied, "You haven't bought a cheeseburger at McDonald’s since you were 9!"

"I know," she laughed, "But if I did… I'd want it to taste just like the one I bought when I was 9!"

Here's the deal! Apparently, McDonald’s believes everything can be upgraded. And so do I!

Since no thing and no one is perfect – isn't it True? -- everything and everyone can be improved upon. We can all grow, we can all change for the better! You can… I  can… even the McDonald’s Cheeseburger can! Ephesians 1:13 puts it like this:

… when you believed in Christ, He identified you as His own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom He promised long ago.

- Ephesians 1:13 (NLT)

That means, as Christians, the moment you said, "Jesus is My Lord" is the moment that through the power of the Holy Spirit you essentially became a superhero for God's Kingdom! I'm here to tell you today that some of you got some Iron Man in you… some of you got some Wonder Woman inside of you… some of us got some Mr. Incredible in us….

You've got a superhero presence on the inside of you! What do I do with this?

  • It means you change your marriage for the better… because of who Jesus is on the inside of you!
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to make you a better listener!
  • It means your kids can change for the better… because of who Jesus is on the inside of you!
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you carve out more 1:1 time with each of your kids!
  • It means you change your anger… your attitude… your apathy… because of who Jesus is on the inside of you!
  • Tell the Holy Spirit, "I need an upgrade!"

Your entire life can change for the better when you dare to accept and embrace your calling that, “I, too, am an Agent of Transformation!”

Candace said, "Well… How do they plan on making the Cheeseburger better anyhow?"

I said, "Well… they said they were adding… gooier cheese… tastier beef… softer buns."

"Oooohhhh!" Candace replied, "Softer buns?! Now that might be a winner!" (Smile)

Listen… If McDonald’s thought its 68 year old Cheeseburger needed an upgrade… Maybe I do,  too! Maybe you do, too!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional